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Accounts Projects
Accounts Projects
Small Business Systems Accountancy
  • Systems Accountancy

    Where systems and processes interact with finances and operations

These are the general areas where Accounts Projects might help you

Your project could involve a combination of these services depending on your requirements and budget

Systems & Processes

From tweaking your existing set up to implementing something new.  Understanding what's needed, why and how best to do it, then making sure you can work with the result.

YouTube video here


Bookkeeping & Payroll

Working with your existing systems and processes to get to know your set up as part of a larger project, or perhaps to help with a short term absence or lack of capacity.

YouTube video here


Sounding Board

Stimulating your thoughts and ideas about how you and your business are prospering, compared to your aspirations, expectations and investment of time and money.

YouTube video here


These are some of the tasks that your project might involve

Problem Solving

Identifying issues, understanding how they arose, then considering and implementing solutions.


Finding ways to reduce duplication of information and effort by setting up interfaces between systems.


Collating information about various systems, processes and strategies, then defining a choice method.


Determining functionality relevant to users and working with real examples to improve confidence.

Analysing & Modelling

Slicing and dicing data to reveal trends and relationships, and using assumptions to make forecasts.


Starting with a blank page and filling it with interconnected ideas that inform future decision making.