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Accounts Projects
Accounts Projects
Small Business Systems Accountancy
  • Small Business

    Owner-managed or not-for-profit, the heart of our economy and community

This business

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Accounts Projects was established in 2021 as a sole trade.

There are no partners or employees, so you can expect a one-to-one service.  The emphasis is on confidentiality, integrity, objectivity and professionalism.  Client relationships are project-based, through which objectives are identified, options are considered and solutions are implemented.  Project timespan could be hours, days, weeks or months depending on requirements and budget.  The number of concurrent projects is limited to ensure that each receives the attention it deserves.

Profile picture of James Wade, Systems Accountant

James Wade, Systems Accountant

Thirty years after leaving school, I took the plunge and established my own business offering specific services that play to my strengths.  My accumulated experiences in higher education, in multiple workplaces, as a volunteer and in the family home have fostered quiet confidence and broad relatability.  I have always been detail focussed and analytical, working with the data, systems and processes at the heart of small, medium and large organisations in a range of sectors.  I am naturally inquisitive about the business activities of my peers, taking time to understand their particular situation and guiding them sensitively and reliably towards the positive outcome they hope for.

Your business

You are either an owner, a trustee or a senior decision maker in your business.  You could be anywhere between starting out and considering retirement.  You might be working on your own or have a team supporting you.  Perhaps you find yourself wanting some help without having to make a long term commitment.  Maybe your business is going through a transition.  You could just have a short term problem that needs solving.  Whatever your situation, you may not have the time or confidence to face a specific challenge and would like to work with someone else to see it through.


IT literacy is not simply about age.  Young or old, tech might not be your thing and you tend to focus your attention elsewhere.  Systems go hand in hand with operational processes, and there may well be opportunities to improve either efficiency or effectiveness or both.


Understanding the position and performance of your business is critical to its success.  You need timely and reliable data for decision making and statutory reporting, but there is a balance to strike between the value of this output and the cost of the input.


There are other people who might need to be consulted or involved in your project:


Accounts Projects is deliberately not set up to provide a full suite of traditional accountancy and tax services.  If you have engaged an accountant, then your relationship with them will be most effective if you provide reliable records in a format that suits them.  While they are likely to offer advice and support with their preferred bookkeeping software, they may be less likely to consider your wider systems and processes, either in detail or cost effectively.  If you don't yet have an accountant, we could work together to choose one at the right time.


If you already have a bookkeeper, then they will be familiar with your existing financial set up and supporting you professionally with a range of tasks.  However, they may not be best placed to rethink the set up, or they may only have fixed time dedicated to you, or they may not be familiar with some of the emerging software.  If you have been keeping your records until now but would like to free up time to focus elsewhere, then we could work together to optimise your set up and recruit an employed or contracted bookkeeper.

Software Providers

There is now a bewildering array of software that has been developed to service the needs of all shapes and sizes of business.  It is unlikely that all your needs were identifiable from the outset, so you may have gradually accumulated a plethora of solutions.  Eventually, the lack of integration between them can lead to inefficient work arounds.  We need to be prepared to get under the bonnet by consulting with providers to prove their suitability for your business, to understand new developments and to solve specific issues.

Man sitting on steps using a laptop casting a shadow in the evening sun

Values that you can expect to encounter

Accounts Projects is operated as a legitimate business to generate a modest income. Services are provided in a professional manner without exploiting people or their situation. Openness and honesty are fundamental to building trust and perceived value.

Accounts Projects seeks to maintain a profile in the community, supporting and celebrating the success of local people and organisations. Practical choices are made that promote rather than hinder our shared interest in a more sustainable work and home life.

Accounts Projects advocates change for the sake of improvement, according to current and anticipated circumstances, through a collaborative and mutually respectful process.